Saturday, December 11, 2010

Turning In

Well, since I haven't heard much from race management, I'm turning in.

Big thanks to Greg Holland for again letting me test out and improve before the Atomic.

Another big thanks to Jack for going out there and sending in info from the field.

And Congrats to the teams braving the code out there. Hope everybody got in safely!

Anybody See a Bike Wheel Out There?

So I just finished another round of leaderboard updates, but we've run into another snag. Jack, reporting from the field, lost a rear wheel off of his bike while in transit. No updates from him for a while while he drives around looking for it...


5th Ranger #1 Aptly Named; Zero Checkpoints Not So Much

So there are 3 ranger teams on the course, hailing straight out of Camp Merrill just a click away from the race start/finish. Given that they are in their back yard, and that the first leg is a foot section, I figured they'd be rolling into CP4/TA1 like gangbusters.

5th Ranger #1 did not disappoint, leaving CP4/TA1 first out of the three ranger teams and tied for 5th place overall. Not a bad start.

5th Ranger #2 and 5th Ranger #3 showed a full hour behind together, clearly bested by 5th Ranger #1 who is traveling at nearly twice their pace. Upon arrival, Race Director Greg Holland gently reminded the two lagging ranger teams that "this is not the buddy system; get moving!"

Also in the front of the race, 4th place team Zero Checkpoints is not living up to their name, one of the many that have cleared the course.

We'll see how they hold up on the mountain massive mountain biking section of the course coming up, where there are plenty of options on when to get checkpoints.


No teams went north first.

As I get the leaderboard set up, here are the updates from CP4/TA1 (from hike to bikes):

Team Number - CPs - Time In - Time Out
307 - clear in 11:33, 11:39
309 - missed CP1, 11:58, 12:09
310 - clear 11:36, 11:43
312 - missed CP3, 12:10, 12:22
313 - missed CP3, 12:10, 12:22
314 - clear 11:10, 11:17
316 - clear 11:00, 11:05
320 - clear 12:09, 12:18
321 - missed CP3, 12:05, 12:11
322 - clear 11:31, 11:36
323 - clear 11:47, 11:58
324 - missed CP2, 12:07, 12:13
325 - clear 12:20, 12:25
326 - clear 11:29, 11:35
328 - clear 11:37, 11:40
329 - clear 11:58, 12:08
330 - clear 12:32
331 - clear 11:59, 12:06
332 - clear 11:25, 11:28
333 - clear 11:37, 11:38
335 - clear 12:26
336 - clear 11:15, 11:21
337 - clear 12:07, 12:16
338 - clear 12:21, 12:25
341 - clear 11:25, 11:30
342 - ? 12:36
343 - ? 12:36
344 - clear 12:09, 12:18
345 - clear 11:25, 11:30
346 - clear 11:28, 11:32
347 - clear 11:35, 11:40
349 - clear 12:32

You can translate team numbers to names via the leaderboard team column.

Getting Up to Speed

There's not a lot of communication capabilities out there, so I'm trying to get caught up on what's going on.

I've posted the passport instructions in the Course Description section. Though the racers may get the CPs in any order, there are a few constraints mentioned in it:

  • Limitations are no travel what so ever on Hightower Church Road and no bike travel on Rock Creek Road.
  • Checkpoints 7, 8 and 9 are bike only checkpoints.
  • All racers must pass through CP10 before heading up cooper gap or winding stairs to upper o-course.
  • Checkpoint 23 is the finish and can only be punched as the finish.
  • Checkpoints 24 and 25 are bonus checkpoints, are trek only and can only be punched after punching CP23.
Additionally I have heard that the racers bikes were staged in the southeast corner of the course at Hightower Church (CP4/TA1). So if racers opt to take on the northern section first, they will be hoofing it up and down Coopers Gap.

Another note is that

Weather looks great until around 8, when chance of ran enters the
forecast. Let's hope it holds off!
Midnight Rush, tech geeks online!
Good luck, racers! Stay warm!

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